Half Way!

I made it to the half way point today :) 1139 miles from Chicago and 1139 miles from Santa Monica (only I’ve actually done 1328 because of poor navigation and a couple of ‘side trips’). When I say I made it to the half way point I actually mean that I did (see the photos), however I’m currently in Vega Texas, about 12 miles short of the half way point as I had to turn back once I got there. I asked the people in the shop there where the next hotel / motel was and they said 12 miles east in Vega or 80 miles west in Tucumcari, New Mexico. I didn’t fancy another 80 miles, so turned around!

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1000 Miles Covered!

Today I hit the 1000 mile mark and I’ve enjoyed every mile of it. It’s been a quiet day without too many ‘attractions’ to see, but has been enjoyable none the less, mainly because of the amount of miles covered on original 1930s Route 66 concrete pavement. When I started out I was of the view that Riding Route 66 was a convenient way to see America without hurtling down Interstates (superslabs in Route 66ers parlance). As the trip progresses I’m becoming more involved with the history of the road and am starting to feel a connection with those who travelled the road in its heyday. My work colleague, Tony, summed it up neatly with a comment on my picture of the 9 foot section on FaceBook. He said ” This is what the Okies would have travelled along on their way to CA?”  and he’s spot on. It IS the ORIGINAL concrete that their wheels turned on.  I like the feeling of following in their wheel tracks on the self same roadbed.

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Hot Hot Hot!

Another good day, but I had to curtail it early because of the heat! I saw a sign in Chandler Oklahoma (yes I’ve made it to Oklahoma!) that registered the heat at 106F, the bike’s air temp gauge subsequently showed much higher! Despite curtailing it early I’m still on schedule and have managed to some housekeeping chores (more of those later). I have to say though that I totally bypassed Tulsa and plan to do the same with Oklahoma City. The thought off trying to navigate through a congested city in this heat was enough: I have no desire to experience the reality! Apart from that, I can’t get excited about the cities on Route 66, it’s the open road that does it for me :)

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Out of Illinois and Into Missouri

Well I’ve completed my first state and left Illinois for Missouri and staying in Sullivan. I’m starting to get the hang of finding my way and so it’s getting easier, that said I got hopelessly lost in Springfield after visiting Abe Lincoln’s tomb and I also missed the turning off the Interstate so missed a few miles of Route 66 before I could get off the Interstate and back onto 66. I take the view that missed turnings and the like are all part of the journey.

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On The Road

Today didn’t start too well, but got better as the day wore on.

The taxi driver was having problems finding Eagle Rider (bike rental company), when I spotted an Eagle Rider sign. The taxi driver dropped me, and my luggage, off and kindly reduced the fare due to the time wasted looking for the rental company. When I went in I was told that this was the BMW branch, the Harley branch was a couple of blocks down the road. I didn’t fancy a two block walk carrying all my luggage but all turned out well as the guy offered me a lift in his car. Top marks for customer service!

When I got to the Harley branch I discovered  . . . .                                                         Continue reading